Monday, September 15, 2008

Enjoy the sun while it is here!!

We went to the beach last weekend and had a was beautiful!! I love the seasons is such a unique and beautiful time. The kids had a blast!! We brought hundreds of truly seemed as if we brought our whole backyard ;), they swam in the sand...(they were covered!!), and we basked in the sun! I loved it, and I loved watching my kids be kids!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Turning over a new leaf...just in time for fall! :)

I have been really blessed lately. I have been praying for a long time for patience to discipline not only with spankings and prayer, but with explanation backed with longsuffering to get the point across effectively. I feel like the Lord is fulfilling that in me...Praise Him! It has been a refreshing season with my kids, not only have I been able to discipline in the way I have wanted to for a long time, but I have been so enjoying them. I thank the Lord for the changing seasons he takes us through! I know the hard ones are rough, but when he takes us out of the valley and up to the mountain top and we can look around and see the beautiful things he is doing in our lives, I am soooo blessed beyond measure!! I am also seeing some fruit in my kids in this process as well. They have been working together as a team cleaning their room, obeying quicker with less resistance....not that there aren't still some rough times! :) But I truly am rejoicing at seeing me grow along with them and it all being a neat picture of Him completing the work he begins!! :) I am far from being completed but I know he is working in us gradually. It is awesome. Have a blessed day everybody! God is good ALL the time!